Skill Development Institute (SDI), Visakhapatnam was set up by 8 major Oil PSUs in 2016 in line with Government of India’s National Skill Development Mission. It is managed by Oil Major Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL, A Maharatna PSU) under MOP&NG, Government of India. The Institute is working towards its mission of enhancing employability of unemployed youths and so far, It has already trained over 20000+ unemployed youths (majority of them are employed) of Andhra Pradesh under social objective scheme which is highest among all SDIs under Oil PSUs in the country. The campus is situated in 83,500 sft (5 floors) at High Rise Building, APSRTC Dwaraka Bus Station Complex, Dwaraka Nagar, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
It now wants to further its vision of bringing transformational change in skilling echo system in India through a foray into organisation development and business improvement space in the industry wide reach. Business/Organisation Excellence will be targeted through up skilling of employees through various improvement/change management programs aimed at Process, quality improvements in the area of PQCDSM (Productivity, Quality, Cost, Delivery, Safety, Morale), services/sales/grievance resolution, sustainability/environment etc through identification of gaps w.r.t objective and implementing solutions through scientific method of problem solving techniques by facilitating Lean Six Sigma Projects. It aims to provide both standard/customised training program on Lean Six Sigma methodologies and also facilitate execution of improvement Projects on the ground/field/floor to achieve our motto of “Excellence through Skilling”.
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Lean Six Sigma Programs & Certification Proposal :
Lean Six Sigma White Belt (LSSWB) Workshop (2 days, 16hrs) : Demonstrates an understanding of the most basic level of the Six Sigma Methodology, also reflects knowledge by the individual of the basic definition, history, and structure of the discipline. This understanding provides a solid awareness of who is involved in the actual Six Sigma implementation, and their roles within an organization.
Lean Management Practitioner Workshop : For Supervisors / Junior Level Management / Diploma holders. Skilling on various Lean Methodologies (Lean, 5S+1, Kaizen, MUDA (wastes),TPS, TPM, TQM, JIT, SMED,TQM Jidoka, TOC, PDCA, Lean Maturity Matrix & other techniques etc. Speeding improvement & reduction in wastes, Cycle Time, Throughput time, Lead Time etc.
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (LSSYB) Workshop (3 days, 24 hrs) : Covering foremen/senior technicians/ diploma holders from concerned departments. Successful candidates will be provided completion certificate and will have the expertise of participation as team member in implementing Lean Six Sigma Projects at their organisation.
Lean Six Sigma Green Belt (LSSGB) Workshop (5 days, 40 hrs) :
Lean Six Sigma Black belt Workshop (LSSBB) -15 days (120hours) : It is highest level of skilling in Lean Six Sigma domain and prerequisite for attending the program are those who have already attended Green Belt workshop and want to practice further for achieving operational/service excellence. Change Managers, Section Heads, Project Managers, Operations Managers, Unit Heads, Department Heads, Quality Heads, SMEs etc may get benefit out of this program. Can Lead Organisation wide initiatives and lead multiple Projects for operational/service excellence.Expertise in problem solving tools (Qualitative, Quantitative & Statistical techniques etc). Harnessing opportunities for building competitive advantageLean, DEMAIC & DFSS Methodologies.
Lean Six Sigma Master Black belt (LSSMBB) Total 152 Hrs i.e. – 32 hrs of Post Black Belt : Master Black Belt (MBB) aimed at Experienced Professionals who are Certified Black Belt in the entire Six Sigma body of knowledge through the execution of DMAIC or DMADV Projects. Certified Master Black Belt (MBB) will have rounded understanding of entire ground of Lean Six Sigma Methodology for wide range of application and can lead organizations need of change & transformation. He / She should be able to factor uncertainties of business and regulate organization towards excellence.
Batch Size: Normal batch size is 25-30 participants and may be optimised further basis requirement.
Participation in 5 days program will enable executives to upskill with qualitative (Cause-Effect Diagram, Process Mapping, Value/Non-Value added activities, Lean Methodologies (for waste/error reduction), FMEA (Failure Mode & Effect Analysis) etc and quantitative techniques ( Statistical Process Control, Normal distribution curves, Probability & Probability distribution curves(Normal, Binomial/Poisson’s distribution), Comparative methods like Hypothesis testing for validating root cause, Source of Variation studies (ANOVA-Analysis of Variance/Multi Vary Chart), Design of Experiments, Taguchi Designs), 7QC tools of problem solving techniques. The training will also include listening to voice of customer, convert pain areas into CTQ- Critical to Quality (“Y”) with Xs as root causes, types of data, data collection/sampling & planning, statistical control charting and ensuring removal of special causes, Process Capability/Sigma calculation for performance, listing of probable causes, finding out root causes through analysis, Implement Pilot solutions, evaluate effectiveness, implement robust solution, keep check points for keeping control after implementation of solution and finally replicating across Units/sections/departments etc). Training on Minitab statistical software will also be provided.
Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) which will help reduce down time and implement predictive maintenance, 5-S (Work place management system), Lean- JIT/Waste reduction, TPS (Toyota Production System), TQM, SMED (Single minute exchange of Dies), Kaizen etc. also will be learned during the program.
Approach: Identification of gaps in desired performance vs current performance, identify pain areas, list out probable/root causes of issues/X factors and implement through Man/Machine/Method/Material interventions through Lean Six Sigma methodologies.
Facilitation/Consultancy: Lean Six Sigma Improvement Projects at Client’s floor/organisation: Client Organisation can reap the benefit of trained participants undertaking 5 or 6 Projects on Productivity, Quality, Safety, Delivery, Cost, Morale/engagement, sustainability/environment, Finance areas etc with a Project Team Leader (HODs) and team members. Pain areas/opportunity areas from Balance Score Card/Hoshin Kanri or Strategy areas can also be picked up. These Projects will not only consolidate learning to executives and enhance capability but will also help organisation move towards operational excellence and achieve cost reduction, quality, safety and service excellence goals.
MDP/PDP (Management Development Programs/Professional Development Program) for Executives/Managers: Lean Six Sigma Project implementation is also about change management and brining transformation into business on long term basis. Approach - It will be an unique approach of gaming/role plays- for facilitating adult learning of fun loving environment and will be designed to keep the participants engaged and have experiential learning. In addition, organisation need to enhance the productive work ambience at work and help inculcate leadership & collaborative qualities in executives and enabling them create & sustain an engaged & learning work environment. Training/facilitating/Coaching on Self Development, Achievement Orientation, Adaptability, Change management, Team Building/Collaboration, Conflict handling/negotiation, Impact & Influence, Service excellence and inspirational leadership & strategic thinking etc.
Work force upskilling/Engagement programs: Technical skilling, functional skilling, soft skilling, engagement programs on safety, quality, productivity, soft skilling w.r.t English language, typing, basic excel/word, grooming and work engagement etc., can be designed and implemented as per your requirement. We have full-fledged labs for welders, fitters, electricians, Plumbers, Virtual & augmented reality, Fire & safety technician, instrumentation technicians etc. Outsourced employees may also be nominated for such program.
PMP (Project Management Professionals) Workshop, PMI-USA from expert/Certified trainer: 5 days (40 hrs) training workshop which is also prerequisite for applying for PMP certification Program. It is highly useful Program for all Project Management professionals and has traction & validity across world.
Other Programs/Customised Programs: Programs on other functional training viz Ms Project/Primavera for Project Management, Advanced Excel & Power point/Word, Field Sales etc, other accounting tools etc and career counselling programs soft skilling/grooming for children of executives/Managers/employees can also be provided as per the customisation required by Client organisation.